A Trusted Partner in Skills Development and Training for the Chemical Sector
The Chemical Industries Education and Training Authority (CHIETA) is a statutory body that was established by the Skills Development Act in 1998. CHIETA’s role in the sector, is to facilitate skills development as well as to ensure that skills needs are identified and addressed through various training initiatives in the chemical and manufacturing industries.
Approximately 70% of the Skills Development Levies (SDL), that are obtained from the chemical industry, are distributed back to member companies through:

Mandatory Grants
Mandatory Grants are paid by the (SETA) if the company fulfils the requirements to receive the grants. In order to qualify to receive the mandatory grant, the levy-paying employer has to meet the criteria. Read More...

Discretionary Grants
Discretionary grants are payable at the discretion of (SETA) for skills development projects linked to scarce and critical skills. The purpose of discretionary grants is to assist the CHIETA implement Sector Skills Plan through its Annual Performance Plan and contribute towards national priorities. Read More...