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Careers in the Chemical Industry Sector

Chieta Career Guide 2023

Welcome to the 2023 edition of the CHIETA Career Guide! 

By Yershen Pillay, CEO, Chemical Industries Training Authority (CHIETA)

As the new year dawns upon us, I would like to welcome you to the latest edition of the CHIETA Career Guidance Booklet. The gathering momentum of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is driving the Chemicals Industry to explore new frontiers. In step with the evolution and advancement of emerging technologies, our industry is being driven to continually evolve and meet the demands of a digital future. To this end, it has become an imperative priority to close the existing high-tech skills gap as we shape our current crop of learners and graduates into the workforce of the future.

With employers rapidly digitizing their workplaces, many are finding that the recruitment of high-tech skills remains a major challenge. It is therefore incumbent upon CHIETA to continue striving to find ways to narrow this gap and we are strongly focusing on designing programmes and initiatives that will prepare future job seekers for new-age careers. It is only by establishing skills development programmes that focus on ICT skills that are underpinned by Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Big Data that we can meet the rapidly growing demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.  Read More…

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