The CHIETA-ETQA unit in collaboration with the DHETNADSC is planning its 6th ETQA Regional workshops to engage stakeholders on the ETQA related matters as per the below items and to provide them with recent updates and implementation processes, more so to enhance service delivery to our stakeholders.
Some of the key issues that will be covered at these workshops, which are important for CHIETA
Stakeholders to attend, are, but not limited to:
1. UPDATE NO 5: Phasing out Historically Registered Qualifications(HRQs), Phasing in Occupational
2. UPDATE NO 5: CHIETA Qualifications Development-New (Additional) Qualifications, Online Exemplars.
3. *DHET/QCTO UPDATE-Registration Of Artisans (this includes a live registration session).
4. Status of HRQ learners enrolled on the CHIETA IMS. As per the 30 June 2024 enrolment cut off.
5. Learner Ratios On Occupational Qualifications: Knowledge, Practical and Workplace Modules.
6. Any Other Further ETQA- Updates.
This session will comprise 3 attendance categories to choose from. They are: (PLEASE SELECT ONLY 1 CATEGORY)
« Category 1- Will be coming for ONLY the Artisan Registration.
« Category 2- Will be coming for BOTH the Artisan Registration and Workshop.
« Category 3- Will be coming for ONLY the Workshop